Khatdum’s Story

Khatdum lives in a remote village in Laos, hundreds of kilometers away from the center.

His family is quite poor, with up to 3 generations living in a cramped house. Where Khatdum lives, there is no modern lighting system, only unsteady light from the swinging light bulbs hanging from the rafters and flickering fire from the old kitchen. The Khatdum family used to use a traditional Lao cookstove, which consumed a large amount of firewood and emitted a lot of smoke.

Since using the energy-saving stove donated by INTRACO, cooking has become much easier. Since using the energy-saving stove donated by INTRACO, cooking has become much easier. This type of stove requires 60% less firewood than a traditional stove, shortening cooking time by half compared to before. Thanks to that, Khatdum saves both time and money for the whole family. Khatdum shared that INTRACO’s improved stoves have significantly improved the health and lives of people in the village.

“This stove uses much less wood than our old stove. In the past, we had to go to the edge of the forest to carry very heavy firewood to last a few days. Now, one such load can last more than a week. Cooking time is also much faster, I can take the time to do many other things.” - Khatdum

“This stove uses much less wood than our old stove. In the past, we had to go to the edge of the forest to carry very heavy firewood to last a few days. Now, one such load can last more than a week…”

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